The Week contest: Royal memoir

This week's question: Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, has titled his new tell-all book about the royal family Spare. If Prince William, Harry's brother and the likely future king, were to respond with his own book, what should he title it?

Click here to see the results of the most recent contest: Gaming killjoy

How to enter: Submissions should be emailed to Please include your name, address, and daytime telephone number for verification; this week, please type "Royal memoir" in the subject line. Entries are due by noon, Eastern Time, Tuesday, Jan. 17. Winners will appear on the Puzzle Page of the Jan. 27 issue and at on Jan. 20. In the case of identical or similar entries, the first one received gets credit. All entries become property of The Week.

The winner gets a one-year subscription to The Week.

Harry and William.