Sunday (Monday) Post: Book Pre-order Campaigns & Giveaways Galore – 8/9/20

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead.

This past week on FYFA (and in my life):

As you can see, I’m a day late with my Sunday Post. So, since I obviously haven’t been blogging, what have I been up to?

  • Playing Wordscapes. I spent way too much time on this silly little game on my phone. I should probably delete the thing.
  • We watched:
    • My daughter Danielle and I are now four episodes into season 7 of The 100! That’s right—we’re in the current season now!
  • SCBWI Summer Spectacular! This online conference ran last Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Lots of great content!! Then, yesterday, I had a consultation with Melissa Manlove, an editor at Chronicle Books, about the manuscript I’m currently working on. It was so incredibly helpful, especially since she pointed out one problematic element that could have been a real issue somewhere down the line.
  • We bought more furniture. My younger daughter Danielle is moving into my older daughter Jade’s room when Jade goes off to college (VERY soon!!!). We bought a new bed and a desk so Danielle can do online school in there more easily. We did some touching up to the desk and we’re repainting the bed. So those are our current projects.
  • My husband’s birthday. My husband’s birthday was on Friday! My daughter Danielle and I had already make him a key holder, but we also made a mask holder to go with it.

  • Reading
    • I finished 0 books. 0.
  • Blogging. Well, I think you know how that’s going. Not well. Just … not well.
  • Digit! Remember how last week I told you that Digit’s ears were standing straight up and it seemed like they were going to stay that way? Well, one flopped down. So, now he’s got the one-up one-down look going on. Goes well with his two slightly different-colored eyes. This little monster is so frickin’ cute!

Here’s what you may have missed on the blog since my last Sunday Post:

Book Blogger Birthdays and Blogoversaries:

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Here are the birthdays and blogoversaries for this week! I hope you’ll go wish these bloggers well on their special days! Make sure you check out the calendar to see what you might have just missed or what’s coming up. (If you want to be added to the calendar, it’s easy! Just fill out the birthday/blogoversary form.)

Book Haul:

None This Week!

 Great Discussions/Goings On Around the Blogosphere:

Pre-order Campaigns

(Make sure you scroll to see them all!) Listed in order of release date. Any new deals I added to the list this week will be denoted with a *** so you can easily find them!

Please note: Almost all pre-order giveaways run “while supplies last,” so they might not be open until the date listed. Pre-0rder early for your best chance to get all the goodies!

Awesome Giveaways:

(Make sure you scroll to see them all!)

Lots of good stuff! Have any giveaways or great discussions happening on your site right now? Feel free to share them in the comments!