Scouts and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)

Today’s youth must be familiar with the STEM areas – science, technology, engineering, and mathematics – to be prepared for the world of tomorrow. BSA programs offer many opportunities for Scouts to experience STEM activities. The Nova awards for Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA (Boy Scouts), and Venturers allow for in depth studies of STEM fields. There are also opportunities for STEM learning in the achievements for each program.
Below are a number of advancement opportunities and ideas for Scouts who are interested in the STEM fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Rube Goldberg was a cartoonist and engineer who drew elaborate contraptions to accomplish simple tasks. This article from TinkerLab gives step-by-step details for creating a Rube Goldberg machine.

This kit can be used to create a working robot. The robot is a crab which will walk around under it's own power and avoid obstacles.

This article shows how to make a rekenrek using foam board, pony beads, and pipe cleaners. A rekenrek is a visual tool to help children learn how to add and subtract via fives and tens.

This project uses circles to create window hangings. All you need is card stock, cardboard, scissors, and contact paper. And maybe some circular items for tracing.

If you don't have a background in science, helping your Cub Scout out with this might seem a little intimidating. But the scientific method is really very basic and only involves a few simple concepts.

Make pinhole planetariums to fulfill Cub Scout Bear Elective 1b. This project involves hammers, nails, and flashlights, so it should be a hit with the Cub Scouts. Includes patterns for the pinholes.

When Scouts build a catapult, they can learn about physics and energy. An easy way to do this is with a small scale catapult.

An invisible ink demonstration will add fun to any Cub Scout meeting. If they haven't seen this before, it will really get their attention. This would fit in with any science themed meeting or a communications themed meeting.

Catapult Cruzers recently sent me a couple of samples to review. Catapult Cruzers are toy airplanes which you put together and launch. These planes would be great for Scouts of any age. See the article for information about a free giveaway.

My boys loved this book! It shows them how to make miniature catapults, bows, and other projectile machines out of common office supplies. This book would make a great basis for a open house or a just for a fun meeting.

STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The NOVA Awards program combines knowledge of STEM concepts with hands on activities.

One of the requirements for Bear Elective 1: Space is to locate the North Star and two constellations in the night sky. This printable aid will help find it.

Webelos must learn about crystals to fulfill requirement 10 for the Webelos Scientist activity badge. I did this activity with DS, LC, and ZM when they were working on this badge. They really enjoyed it. When making the crystals, make sure they keep adding sugar until it really won't dissolve anymore and it will be successful.

In an egg drop challenge, Scouts try to design a container which can prevent an egg from breaking when dropped. This is an excellent project to get kids interested in science and engineering.

Scouts learn about ecology, pollution, endangered species, pollination by bees, and other environmental topics while working on the Environmental Science merit badge. They also study how parts of the ecosystem interact through repeated observation.

Webelos will learn about the scientific method while working on Adventures in Science. They can explore astronomy, simple physics, electricity, basic chemistry, and other topics. They also learn about doing science safely.

Bear Cub Scouts will learn about static electricity and buoyancy while working on the Super Science adventure. They will also investigate color-morphing and color-layering.

One of the requirements for Geologist is to talk about how mountains are formed. This very simple demonstration shows how mountains are formed by tectonic plates coming together.

January 11 is Learn Your Name in Morse Code Day. This would be fun for any Scout. Wolf Cub Scouts could work on their Code of the Wolf adventure. Scouts BSA could start on the requirements for the Signs, Signals, and Codes merit badge. Any Scout or Scouter could try to earn the Morse Code Interpreter strip.

Tiger Cub Scouts learn about magic, science, secret codes, and other “mysteries” while working on the Curiosity, Intrigue, and Magical Mysteries adventure.
Code of the Wolf Adventure: Cub Scout Helps and Ideas
Wolf Cub Scouts learn about numbers, measuring, shapes, and math for the Code of the Wolf adventure. They also get to try sending a message using code.
Bear Make It Move Adventure: Cub Scout Helps and Ideas
Bear Cub Scouts learn about forces and movement while working on the Make It Move adventure. The investigate how simple machines like pulleys and levers work.
Soil Sample Cupcakes Recipe
Scouts always enjoy playing with their food! This would make a nice snack for any den meeting based on one of the ecology lessons.
Energy Merit Badge Helps and Documents
Scouts learn about energy and conservation while working on the Energy merit badge. One practical aspect of the requirements is to conduct an energy audit at home and try to reduce energy over a two week period. Scouts also learn about renewable energy while working on this badge. Find requirements and check-off sheets here.
Moon Day
July 20 is Moon Day. It commemorates the day the first man walked on the lunar surface. Celebrate Moon Day with some fun space themed activities.
Dr. Bernard Harris Supernova Helps and Documents
The Dr. Bernard Harris Supernova Award is the bronze (first) level Supernova Award for Scouts BSA. To earn this award, Scouts must earn three Nova awards, the Scholarship merit badge, and four Nova approved STEM related merit badges. They must also complete two Supernova activities.
Nova WILD! Cub Scout Nova Award (Nature and Wildlife Science) Helps and Documents
Nova WILD! is the Cub Scout Nova Award for investigating nature and wildlife science. To earn this award, Cub Scouts explore topics such as wildlife, endangered species, invasive species, food chains, biodiversity, ecosystems, and habitats . They must also complete one of their adventures related to natural science or do a related investigation.
Mining in Society Merit Badge Helps and Documents
Scouts learn about different aspects of the mining industry while working on the Mining in Society merit badge. They consider how to mine minerals and how to transport materials. They also explore careers related to mining.
Chemistry Merit Badge Helps and Documents
Scouts learn about substances and how they interact while working on the Chemistry merit badge. They learn about lab safety and investigate by doing experiments. Scouts also learn about careers in fields related to chemistry.
Plant Science Merit Badge Helps and Documents
Scouts learn to propagate and grow plants while working on the Plant Science merit badge. They investigate the importance and uses of crops, trees, and flowers. Scouts have many options to choose from for the types of plants they will study in depth while doing this badge.
Down and Dirty Cub Scout Nova Award (Earth Science) Helps and Documents
Down and Dirty is the Cub Scout Nova Award for investigating earth science. To earn this award, Cub Scouts explore topics such as weather, geology, volcanoes, or oceanography. They must also complete one of their adventures related to earth science or do a related investigation.
Science Everywhere Cub Scout Nova Award (Science) Helps and Documents
Science Everywhere is the Cub Scout Nova Award for investigating general science. To earn this award, Cub Scouts must complete one of their science related adventures, learn about the scientific method, and find out about career opportunities for scientists.
Signs, Signals, and Code Merit Badge Helps and Documents
Scouts working on the Signs, Signals, and Code merit badge will learn about various methods of communications, including distress signals, Morse code, sign language, braille, and semaphore. They also explore maps, text message symbols, and emojis.
Nuclear Science Merit Badge Helps and Documents
Scouts learn about the uses and hazards of radiation while working on the Nuclear Science merit badge. They explore how matter and forces interact and also learn about different careers in fields related to radiation safety and nuclear science.
Inventing Merit Badge Helps and Documents
Scouts learn about the process of creating a new invention while working on the Inventing merit badge. They also find out about intellectual property rights. They put their knowledge to work by dreaming up something new and making a prototype.
Cub Scouting by Subject: Mathematics
Many Cub Scout adventures can be used to complement your child's school curriculum. Here are a few Cub Scout achievements which emphasize mathematics.
National Plant a Flower Day
With warmer weather approaching most of us are looking forward to spring flowers. So get started by planting a seed. Check your area's zone to find out if you should start your seed indoors or outdoors. There are several Scouting achievements related to gardening. And watching something grow is fun too!
Thomas Edison Supernova Award Helps and Documents
The Thomas Alva Edison Supernova Award is the silver (second) level Supernova Award for Scouts BSA. To earn this award, Scouts must earn the Dr. Bernard Harris Supernova award, one additional Nova award, and four additional Nova approved STEM related merit badges. They must also complete two additional Supernova activities.
Inventors’ Day
February 11 is National Inventors Day. This day was chosen because it is the birthday of Thomas Edison, who was born in 1847. There are a lot of Scouting activities related to inventing.
Lion Gizmos and Gadgets Adventure: Cub Scout Helps and Ideas
For the Gizmos and Gadgets adventure, Lions learn some really basic science and engineering concepts.
Out of This World Cub Scout Nova Award (Space Exploration Science) Helps and Documents
Out of This World is the Cub Scout Nova Award for space exploration science. To earn this award, Cub Scouts explore topics such as planets, space, space exploration, or astronomy. They must also complete one of their adventures related to astronomy, health, or design or they must do a related investigation.
Uncovering the Past Cub Scout Nova Award (Archaeology) Helps and Documents
Uncovering the Past is the Cub Scout Nova Award for archaeology. To earn this award, Cub Scouts explore topics such as artifacts, ecofacts, dig sites, and petroglyphs . They must also complete one of their adventures related to culture and history.
Bear Robotics Adventure: Cub Scout Helps and Documents
Robotics is one of the Bear elective adventures. For the Robotics adventure, Bears investigate the many uses of robots and build their own robots.
Lion Build It Up, Knock It Down Adventure: Cub Scout Helps and Ideas
For the Build It Up, Knock It Down adventure, Lions learn about building up structures and people
Dr. Luis W. Alvarez Supernova Award: Wolf and Bear Cub Scout Helps and Ideas
The Dr. Luis W. Alvarez Supernova Award can be earned by Wolf and Bear Cub Scouts who want to learn more about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. To earn this award, Scouts must complete the Code of the Wolf or Make it Move adventure. Then they do some activities to keep track of time or money. They also study probability and learn about careers in STEM fields. They can also use the Call of the Wild or Forensics adventures to fulfill some of the requirements for this award.
National Periodic Table Day
The development of the periodic table helps scientists understand the relationships between various elements and to understand their properties. It is especially important in the study of chemistry and nuclear physics. Consider promoting the Chemistry and Nuclear Science merit badges or the related Supernova Awards on this day .
1-2-3 Go! Cub Scout Nova Award (Mathematics) Helps and Documents
1-2-3 Go! is the Cub Scout Nova Award for mathematics. To earn this award, Cub Scouts must complete one of their STEM related adventures, make a few calculations, and learn about secret codes.
Composite Materials Merit Badge Helps and Documents
Scouts learn about the properties and uses of composite materials while working on the Composite Materials Merit Badge. They also learn how to safely work with resins and other components. And they investigate careers related to composite materials.
Collections Merit Badge Helps and Documents
While working on the Collections merit badge, Scouts learn to collect, categorize, and preserve items they appreciate. They also learn about career opportunities related to collecting.
Germ Transfer Demonstration
The video below provides a great demonstration for how to show kids how easily germs spread. The powder is a safe way to simulate germs. Like germs it cannot be seen. "Infect" one or two people with the powder. Then check the area and other people with the black light later and see how the "germs" have spread.
Star Wars Day
“May the fourth be with you!” Happy Star Wars Day. Engage your Scouts with these Star Wars and space related ideas:
Science Theme for Cub Scouts
Cub Scouts love science! It is almost like magic to them. You can spark and interest in science with these ideas, achievements, and activities which are related to science.
National Static Electricity Day
January 9 is National Static Electricity Day. When two objects have different positive and negative charges - zap! - static electricity. The Bear Super Science elective encourages Cub Scouts to experiment with static electricity.
Wolf Collections and Hobbies Adventure: Cub Scout Helps and Documents
Collections and Hobbies is one of the Wolf Cub Scout elective adventures. For the Collections and Hobbies adventure, Wolves start a collection and share it with their den. They also visit collection on display and play a game related to collecting.
Engineering Merit Badge Helps and Documents
Scouts who are working on the requirements for the Engineering merit badge learn about the process of building and creating products and structures. They investigate the variety of careers available in engineering. Scouts explore how engineers use a step-by-step approach to make improvements for society.
Drafting Merit Badge Helps and Documents
By doing the requirements for the Drafting merit badge, Scouts will learn how to make drawings which convey the visions of engineers and architects. They will do manual drawings, computer aided design (CAD), and lettering. Scouts also explore career opportunities related to drafting. The requirements for this badge can be fulfilled by doing architectural, mechanical, or electrical drawings.
Cub Scout Nova Awards and Supernova Awards
Nova Awards are the BSA Awards focused on STEM – science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Wolf Digging in the Past Adventure: Cub Scout Helps and Documents
Digging in the Past is one of the Wolf Cub Scout elective adventures. For the Digging in the Past adventure, Wolves learn about dinosaurs and fossils.
Astronomy Word Search Puzzle
This word search puzzle features astronomy terms. Use it as a gathering activity at a space themed meeting or for an astronomy related achievement. It would work well with the Astronomy Merit Badge or the Out of this World Nova Award for Cub Scouts.
Geology Merit Badge Helps and Documents
While doing the requirements for the Geology merit badge, Scouts learn about rocks and resources. They can focus on sedimentary processes, energy resources, mineral resources, or earth history while working on this merit badge. Scouts also research career opportunities related to geology.
Digital Technology Merit Badge Helps and Documents
Scouts learn how digital information is stored and transmitted while working on the Digital Technology merit badge. They explore how digital technology has changed over the years. They also investigate the practical aspects of digital technology and explore careers in the field.
Dr. Charles H. Townes Supernova Award: Webelos Cub Scout Helps and Ideas
The Dr. Charles Townes Supernova Award can be earned by Webelos who want to learn more about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. To earn this award, Webelos must complete the Adventures in Science or Engineer adventure. They also do some activities related to geocaching, wildfires, rockets, constellations, aquariums, or terrariums. Cub Scouts investigate the scientific method and famous scientists.
Wolf Motor Away Adventure: Cub Scout Helps and Documents
Motor Away is one of the Wolf Cub Scout elective adventures. For the Motor Away adventure, Wolves learn about planes, boats, and cars by creating their own models and making them move.
Tiger Sky Is the Limit Adventure: Cub Scout Helps and Ideas
Sky Is the Limit is one of the Tiger elective adventures. For this adventure, Tiger Cubs and their adult partners learn about astronomy and do some star gazing.
Wolf Adventures in Coins: Cub Scout Helps and Ideas
Adventures in Coins is one of the Wolf Cub Scout elective adventures. For this adventure, Wolves play games and do activities related to coins. In the process, they learn all about coins.
Astronomy Merit Badge Helps and Documents
Scouts who are doing the requirements for the Astronomy merit badge learn about telescopes, binoculars, light pollution, planets, stars, and constellations. They visit a planetarium, spend some time observing the sky, or host a star party. They also explore careers related to astronomy.
Electricity Merit Badge Helps and Documents
While doing the requirements for the Electricity merit badge, Scouts learn about the many uses of electricity, including electromagnets, batteries, home lighting, motors, and more. They find out how to safely use electricity and avoid hazards. Scouts get some hands on experience with some simple electric circuits and devices.
Weather Merit Badge Helps and Documents
Doing the requirements for the Weather merit badge helps Scouts learn about meteorology. They learn about weather hazards, high and low pressure systems, the science of weather, and the water cycle. They explore climates and the way humans alter their environment. They make a weather instrument and find out about careers related to weather.
Geologist Day
The first Sunday in April is Geologist Day. This is day to learn about the field of geology and its impact on society and our daily lives. There are several Scouting achievements and activities related to geology. Dig in with these ideas.
Environmental Science Crossword Puzzle
This puzzle contains 19 words and definitions related to environmental science. This vocabulary is specifically needed for the Environmental Science merit badge, but it is also appropriate for any topic related to conservation.
Forestry Merit Badge Helps and Documents
Scouts learn to identify trees while working on the Forestry merit badge. They find out why forests are important to our economy, climate, wildlife habitats, and endangered species. Scouts investigate how forests are managed and how trees are harvested. They also identify trees which are unhealthy or hazardous.
Air of the Wolf Adventure: Cub Scout Helps and Ideas
Air of the Wolf is one of the Wolf Cub Scout elective adventures. For this adventure, Wolves learn about activities which can be done using air - paper airplanes, balloons, music, kites, and more.
Medicine Merit Badge Helps and Documents
While doing the requirements for the Medicine merit badge, Scouts learn about the history of health care. They explore the Hippocratic Oath, patient-provider relationships, primary care vs specialties, and the role of insurance. Scouts also investigate various careers in health care.
Aviation Merit Badge Helps and Documents
While working on the Aviation merit badge, Scouts learn about aircraft and the forces which act on them. They learn about maintaining aircraft and planning for a flight. They build and fly a model airplane and explore careers related to aviation.
Tech Talk Cub Scout Nova Award (Technology) Helps and Documents
Tech Talk is the Cub Scout Nova Award for investigating technology. To earn this award, Cub Scouts explore topics such as computers and cameras . They must also complete one of their adventures related to technology or do a related investigation.
Webelos/AOL Engineer Adventure: Cub Scout Helps and Ideas
Engineer is one of the Webelos/Arrow of Light elective adventures. For the Engineer adventure, Webelos learn about how engineers design new things and make two projects of their own.
Dentistry Merit Badge Helps and Documents
While working on the Dentistry merit badge, Scouts learn about how to keep teeth and gums healthy. They investigate the equipment and techniques used by dentists. Scouts explore careers related to oral health.
Animal Science Merit Badge Helps and Documents
Working on the requirements for the Animal Science merit badge helps Scouts understand how to identify and care for various breeds of livestock. The requirements for this badge can be completed by studying beef cattle, dairy animals, horses, sheep, hogs, or avian breeds. Scouts also investigate career opportunities related to animal science.
Programming Merit Badge Helps and Documents
Scouts working on the Programming merit badge learn about the history of programming and programming languages. They explore the applications of programming and how to modify code. They also investigate careers related to programming.
Oceanography Merit Badge Helps and Documents
Scouts find out about life in the sea by doing the requirements for the Oceanography merit badge. Topics include the properties of seawater, waves, underwater topography, and the importance of the oceans. Scouts will also do a hands-on activity and will learn how marine scientists study the oceans.
Electronics Merit Badge Helps and Documents
While doing the requirements for the Electronics merit badge, Scouts learn to safely repair, change, or build electronic devices. They find out about controllers, audio circuits, and digital circuits. Scouts also explore career opportunities related to electronics.
Welding Merit Badge Helps and Documents
Scouts learn to sketch, tack, and weld metal while doing the requirements for the Welding merit badge. They become familiar with the safety procedures for welding and also become alert to possible hazards. Scouts also explore career opportunities related to the field of welding.
Let It Grow Scouts BSA Nova Award (Food and Agriculture Science) Helps and Documents
Let It Grow is the Scouts BSA Nova Award for investigating agriculture science. To earn this award, Scouts must complete one of the merit badges related to raising livestock or growing crops. Scouts will learn about where their food comes from and explore topics like weather, seeds, and microorganisms.
Space Exploration Badge Helps and Documents
Scouts learn about spacecraft and the history of their use while doing the requirements for the Space Exploration merit badge. They investigate the many aspects of venturing into space and consider how mankind might continue to explore the universe beyond our planet. They also find out about career opportunities related to space exploration.
Veterinary Medicine Merit Badge Helps and Documents
Scouts who are working on the Veterinary Medicine merit badge find out about the many different specialties in veterinary science. They learn how the work of veterinarians contributes to public health, food safety, research, and society. They also explore career opportunities related to veterinary medicine.
Surveying Merit Badge Helps and Documents
Scouts mark and record land boundaries while doing the requirements for the Surveying merit badge. They learn how distance is measured with traditional equipment and with GPS. Scouts also explore career opportunities related to surveying.
Designed to Crunch Scouts BSA Nova Award (Mathematics) Helps and Documents
Designed to Crunch is the Scouts BSA Nova Award for mathematics. To earn this award, Scouts must complete one of their mathematics related merit badges and learn about related topics such as calculating horsepower, statistics for athletics events, and star counts.
Power Up Venturing Nova Award (Technology) Helps and Documents
Power Up is the Venturing Nova Award for investigating transportation technology. To earn this award, Venturers must complete a transportation related exploration and learn about topics such as energy sources. Venturers also build and test a model vehicle.
Robotics Merit Badge Helps and Documents
The requirements for the Robotics merit badge help Scouts understand the many uses of robots. They learn how to design and test robots to perform simple tasks. Scouts also find out about competitive robotics and explore career opportunities related to robotics.
Up and Away Cub Scout Nova Award (Engineering – Fluid Dynamics) Helps and Documents
Up and Away is the Cub Scout Nova Award for investigating how fluids such as liquids and gasses affect everyday life. To earn this award, Cub Scouts explore topics related to fluid dynamics. They must design, construct, and race a Raingutter Regatta vessel, a Pinewood Derby car, or a Space Derby spaceship.
Exploration Merit Badge Helps and Documents
While doing the requirements for the Exploration merit badge, Scouts go beyond their ordinary surroundings and way of thinking. They discover new places and ideas. They learn the importance and history of exploration. Scouts put their knowledge to use by becoming familiar with an organization which encourages field exploration or scientific exploration.
Cub Scouts Can Code Nova Award (Computer Technology) Helps and Documents
Cub Scouts Can Code is the Cub Scout Nova Award for investigating computer technology. To earn this award, Cub Scouts explore topics such as computers, algorithms, conditionals, and programming . They must also complete one of their adventures related to digital technology or do a related investigation.
Fearful Symmetry Cub Scout Nova Award (Mathematics) Helps and Documents
Fearful Symmetry is the Cub Scout Nova Award for investigating the properties of symmetry. To earn this award, Scouts must complete one of their adventure related to patterns and symmetry. They explore how symmetry is found in art and nature.
Up and Away Scouts BSA Nova Award (Fluid Dynamics) Helps and Documents
Up and Away is the Scouts BSA Nova Award for investigating fluid dynamics. To earn this award, Scouts must complete one of their related merit badges which relates to the movement and forces of liquids or gasses. Scouts also do an experiment related to terminal velocity, airfoils, or emergency supply drops. Scouts visit a location such as a wind tunnel or aviation museum, either in person or online.
Nova Awards and Supernova Awards for Venturers
Nova Awards are the BSA Awards focused on STEM - science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Supernova Awards recognize young men and women in Venturing who go further in their STEM explorations.
Science Program Feature for Scouts BSA
The Science troop program feature encourages Scouts to ask and investigate questions about the world. They learn how to form a hypothesis and test it.
Space Cub Scout Theme
Thinking about space can encourage the imagination and spark an interest in science and engineering. Cub Scouts find these topics fascinating.
Shoot! Scouts BSA Nova Award (Astronomy and Projectile Science) Helps and Documents
Shoot! is the Scouts BSA Nova Award for investigating astronomy and projectile science. To earn this award, Scouts must complete one of their science related merit badges and learn about related topics such as space, aviation, and weather. Scouts also visit a museum or build a catapult, pitching machine, or marble run.
Splash! Scouts BSA Nova Award (Science) Helps and Documents
Splash! is the Scouts BSA Nova Award for investigating water science. To earn this award, Scouts must complete one of their science related merit badges and learn about related topics such as pollution, health, water cycle, and waste treatment. Scouts also learn how water is processed and consumed.
Mendel’s Minions Scouts BSA Nova Award (Genetic Science) Helps and Documents
Mendel's Minions is the Scouts BSA Nova Award for investigating genetic science. To earn this award, Scouts must complete one of their science related merit badges and learn about related topics such as DNA, inheritance, genetic diseases, genetically modified food, the Human Genome Project, and more.
Start Your Engines! Scouts BSA Nova Award (Technology) Helps and Documents
Start Your Engines! is the Scouts BSA Nova Award for investigating technology. To earn this award, Scouts must complete one of their technology related merit badges and learn about related topics such as energy and fuel sources. Scouts design and build a working model vehicle which is powered by solar power, wind power, or battery power.
Whoosh! Scouts BSA Nova Award (Engineering) Helps and Documents
Whoosh! is the Scouts BSA Nova Award for investigating engineering as it relates to motion. To earn this award, Scouts must complete one of their engineering or motion related merit badges and learn about related topics such as machines and forces Scouts also dream up their own design for an amusement park, piece of playground equipment, or new method of transportation.
Dr. Sally Ride Supernova Helps and Documents
The Dr. Sally Ride Supernova Award is the bronze (first) level Supernova Award for Venturers. To earn this award, a Venturer must earn three Nova awards, complete the Scholarship exploration, and four additional Nova explorations. They must also complete two Supernova activities, participate in a science fair, and learn about careers in STEM areas.
Numbers Don’t Lie Venturing Nova Award (Mathematics) Helps and Documents
Numbers Don't Lie is the Venturing Nova Award for investigating mathematics. To earn this award, Venturers must complete a mathematics related exploration and learn about topics such as modeling, cryptography, physics, and horsepower. Venturers also keep track of some sports statistics or participate in a star count.
Hang On Venturing Nova Award (Engineering) Helps and Documents
Hang On is the Venturing Nova Award for investigating engineering. To earn this award, Venturers must complete an engineering related exploration and learn about topics such as pulleys, gears, and levers. Venturers also dream up a new amusement park ride or playground equipment.
Wright Brothers Supernova Helps and Documents
e Wright Brothers Supernova Award is the second level (silver) Supernova Award for Venturers. This award is available to those who earned the Dr. Sally Ride Supernova Award as a Venturer. (Option 1) This award is also available to registered Venturers who earned the Dr. Bernard Harris Supernova Award as a registered member of Scouts BSA (Boy Scouts). The requirements are slightly different in this case. (Option 2)
Dr. Albert Einstein Supernova Helps and Documents
The Dr. Albert Einstein Supernova Award is the third level (gold) Supernova Award for Venturers. This award is available to those who earned the Wright Brothers Supernova Award as a Venturer or the Thomas Edison Supernova Award while a registered member of Scouts BSA (Boy Scouts).
Next Big Thing Scouts BSA Nova Award (Product Design) Helps and Documents
Next Big Thing is the Scouts BSA Nova Award for investigating astronomy and projectile science. To earn this award, Scouts must complete one of their design related merit badges and learn about topics such as prototypes, market research, brainstorming and painstorming. Scouts imagine a new product and create a 3D model or sketch of the design.
What a Life Venturing Nova Award (Life Science) Helps and Documents
What a Life is the Venturing Nova Award for investigating life science. To earn this award, Venturers must complete a life science related exploration and learn about topics such as genetics, biology, botany, and medicine. Venturers also investigate plant growth, microscopic life, veterinary science, genetics, or ecology.
Up and Away Venturing Nova Award (Fluid Dynamics) Helps and Documents
Up and Away is the Venturing Nova Award for investigating fluid dynamics. To earn this award, Venturers must complete an exploration related to the movement of liquids or gasses. Venturers also calculate terminal velocity on Earth and on different planets, design a way to drop rescue supplies, or test airfoils.
Wade! Venturing Nova Award (Water and Science) Helps and Documents
Wade! is the Venturing Nova Award for investigating water and science. To earn this award, Venturers must complete an earth science related exploration and learn about topics such as the water cycle, pollution, waste treatment, and water quality. Venturers also research a water related disaster.
Launch! Venturing Nova Award (Astronomy and Projectile Science) Helps and Documents
Launch! is the Venturing Nova Award for investigating science. To earn this award, Venturers must complete a science related exploration and learn about topics such as aviation, astronomy, weather, projectiles, and space technology. Venturers also build a pitching machine, catapult, or marble run.
Archaeology Merit Badge Helps and Documents
By doing the requirements for the Archaeology merit badge, Scouts find out how sites and artifacts from the past help us develop a more accurate picture of how our ancestors lived. They learn about the laws and regulations which protect archaeological sites. They do some hands-on research and explore careers related to archaeology.
Execute! Venturing Nova Award (Programming and Digital Technology) Helps and Documents
Execute! is the Venturing Nova Award for investigating programming and digital technology. To earn this award, Venturers must complete a digital technology exploration and learn about topics such as programming, robotics, social media, and digital freedom. Venturers also create an application, investigate object oriented programming, create a web page, take apart old hardware, or investigate cyber-security.
Something From Nothing Venturing Nova Award (3D Printing) Helps and Documents
Something from Nothing is the Venturing Nova Award for investigating 3D printing technology. To earn this award, Venturers must complete a technology or #D related exploration and learn about topics such as modeling, CAD, manufacturing, orientation, and printing materials. Venturers also compare 3D printers and techniques.