Saturday, July 4, 2020, Julian Lim
Themeless Saturday by Julian Lim
Another fine puzzle from our Singapore professor Julian Lim. As I look at his specialties at Duke University - University of Singapore I can find many traits of mine that could use remediation
Here is Professor Lim's tweet about a recent investigation of his: We did a non-inferiority analysis comparing group training via videoconferencing during the Covid-19 pandemic with similar content delivered in-person this year and last year. Abstract
After you digest that, here is an analysis of Julian's puzzle on the 244th birthday of our country.
1. Reward for giving, perhaps: TOTE BAG - How do I get this one?
8. Usually not eligible for tenure, as a professor: ADJUNCT - I was an ADJUNCT prof once and the dean came in to see why my adult students were laughing. He had never heard laughter from that room before
15. In sum: OVERALL.
16. Heedless of the consequences: BRASHLY.
17. Dug: WAS INTO
18. "The Meyerowitz Stories" co-star: SANDLER - I can easily recognize four of this cast of five
19. Xenomorphs, e.g.: ETS - Sigourney Weaver's antagonists in the Alien movies. Here under happier conditions.
20. Switch positions often: JOB HOP - Me? Not so much as I taught for 42 years and have subbed for 8.
22. Razor handle: ATRA - ATRA is the name, or handle, for this Gillette product which has also has, uh, a handle and we see here often
23. Uses for snoozes: LIES ON - Lily LIES ON about anything in our house
25. Not lots: A FEW.
27. German article: EIN - This speech still gives me chills (irrespective of how some translate it)
28. Out of __: SORTS.
29. Range makeup: Abbr.: MTS - A range of MounTainS
30. Make official: ENACT.
32. Tandoori bread: NAN - NAN bread being cooked in clay cylindrical oven called a tandoor
33. "Looks to be the case": SO IT SEEMS
35. Safari, say: IPHONE APP - Safari is also the browser I use on my MacBook
37. Au naturel: UNCLOTHED - Reminiscent of yesterday's discussion about nudists and face masks
39. Racing Unsers: ALS - You'd have to blow up this image to see AL senior in the second generation and AL junior in the third generation
42. Lectured: SPOKE.
43. Mate: PAL.
44. Flabbergast: FLOOR.
46. Sch. with a Phoenix campus: ASU - 13 minute drive between these the Phoenix and Tempe campuses
47. "Ashes" (2018) singer: DION - The voice of an angel How old am I? The first DION singer for me is DION and the Belmonts
49. Shaky start?: SEISMO - The latest earthquakes in the USA as determined by SEISMOeters
50. Things to pick: NITS - We can have quite a crop here on certain days
52. Like some dramatic refueling: MIDAIR - Could you clean the windshield too?
54. Some tech sch. grads: EE'S - Electrical Engineers. Don't we have some Double E majors here?
55. Hip: CLUED IN.
57. 2010s TV series that explores hacktivism: MR. ROBOT.
59. More than vex: TORMENT.
60. Opposite of a scenic route: BEE LINE - From Orlando International, we took the BEE LINE east toward Disney or west toward KSC
61. Frames on a diamond: INNINGS.
62. Whole number: INTEGER.
1. Drying agents: TOWELS.
2. Standing acclaim, at times: OVATION - One that's hard to earn
3. Mosaic piece: TESSERA - An 800-yr-old Byzantine example of TESSERAS beautifully arranged despite wear
4. "__ tu": Verdi aria: ERI. "ERI tu che macchiavi quell'anima" (It was you who sullied that soul)
5. Pete Seeger wrote a book on how to play five-string ones: BANJOS.
6. Brown in the kitchen: ALTON - Not sauté it appears
7. Jell-O serving, say: GLOB - How many GLOBS in a cup?
8. Strong core components: ABS OF STEEL.
9. Fall loosely: DRAPE - An example on our deck
10. 1, at times: Abbr.: JANuary
11. Food and Nutrition Service org.: USDA - USDA inspectors who wear this badge have coveted jobs in this meatpacking town
12. Minnesota Wild, for one: NHL TEAM.
13. Mullahs or ministers: CLERICS.
14. Very tough boss: TYRANT - Who was worse than Ebenezer Scrooge?
21. Deferentially: HAT IN HAND - "Make your words sweet as you may have to eat them someday"
24. Dancer's boss, informally: ST NICK - Rudolph's too
26. Cry: WEEP
29. Irrelevancies: MOOT POINTS - Your plane has already left, so why you missed the plane is a MOOT POINT.
31. Katmandu native: NEPALI.
33. "The Chi" airer, briefly: SHO - (the shy) chronicles life on the south side of Chicago
34. Blue: SAD.
36. Beseeched: PLED - A fun song from Jesus Christ Superstar
37. 20th Greek letter: UPSILON - Can you name the two other 7-letter Greek letters?
38. Sign with a crossed-out horseshoe-shaped arrow: NO U TURN
40. Take a licking: LOSE BIG.
41. "__ Like You": Adele hit: SOMEONE - Video in black and white
42. __ Spíritus: Cuban city meaning "Holy Spirit": SANCTI - This city of 465,00 is at least a four-hour drive from Havana
44. Polecat relative commonly kept as a pet: FERRET - I only had to let one kid bring his to class before I realize they have an unpleasant odor too.
45. Team listing: ROSTER - 1961 Yankee ROSTER.
48. Using WhatsApp, say: IMING - My Apple IMING (Instant Messaging) works fine
49. Fire engine feature: SIREN - My hometown used a SIREN to summon volunteer firemen and also tell us when it was 7, 12 and 6 o'clock
51. Highway behemoth: SEMI.
53. Both ways at the start?: AMBI - Zach Galifianakas as an AMBIdextrous flute player on SNL
56. Man cave, for some: DEN.
58. World Cup "Way to go!": OLE.
Another fine puzzle from our Singapore professor Julian Lim. As I look at his specialties at Duke University - University of Singapore I can find many traits of mine that could use remediation
Here is Professor Lim's tweet about a recent investigation of his: We did a non-inferiority analysis comparing group training via videoconferencing during the Covid-19 pandemic with similar content delivered in-person this year and last year. Abstract
After you digest that, here is an analysis of Julian's puzzle on the 244th birthday of our country.

8. Usually not eligible for tenure, as a professor: ADJUNCT - I was an ADJUNCT prof once and the dean came in to see why my adult students were laughing. He had never heard laughter from that room before
15. In sum: OVERALL.
16. Heedless of the consequences: BRASHLY.
17. Dug: WAS INTO
18. "The Meyerowitz Stories" co-star: SANDLER - I can easily recognize four of this cast of five
19. Xenomorphs, e.g.: ETS - Sigourney Weaver's antagonists in the Alien movies. Here under happier conditions.
20. Switch positions often: JOB HOP - Me? Not so much as I taught for 42 years and have subbed for 8.
22. Razor handle: ATRA - ATRA is the name, or handle, for this Gillette product which has also has, uh, a handle and we see here often
23. Uses for snoozes: LIES ON - Lily LIES ON about anything in our house
25. Not lots: A FEW.
27. German article: EIN - This speech still gives me chills (irrespective of how some translate it)
28. Out of __: SORTS.
29. Range makeup: Abbr.: MTS - A range of MounTainS
30. Make official: ENACT.
32. Tandoori bread: NAN - NAN bread being cooked in clay cylindrical oven called a tandoor
33. "Looks to be the case": SO IT SEEMS
35. Safari, say: IPHONE APP - Safari is also the browser I use on my MacBook
37. Au naturel: UNCLOTHED - Reminiscent of yesterday's discussion about nudists and face masks
39. Racing Unsers: ALS - You'd have to blow up this image to see AL senior in the second generation and AL junior in the third generation
42. Lectured: SPOKE.
43. Mate: PAL.
44. Flabbergast: FLOOR.
46. Sch. with a Phoenix campus: ASU - 13 minute drive between these the Phoenix and Tempe campuses
47. "Ashes" (2018) singer: DION - The voice of an angel How old am I? The first DION singer for me is DION and the Belmonts
49. Shaky start?: SEISMO - The latest earthquakes in the USA as determined by SEISMOeters
50. Things to pick: NITS - We can have quite a crop here on certain days
52. Like some dramatic refueling: MIDAIR - Could you clean the windshield too?
54. Some tech sch. grads: EE'S - Electrical Engineers. Don't we have some Double E majors here?
55. Hip: CLUED IN.
57. 2010s TV series that explores hacktivism: MR. ROBOT.
59. More than vex: TORMENT.
60. Opposite of a scenic route: BEE LINE - From Orlando International, we took the BEE LINE east toward Disney or west toward KSC
61. Frames on a diamond: INNINGS.
62. Whole number: INTEGER.
2. Standing acclaim, at times: OVATION - One that's hard to earn
3. Mosaic piece: TESSERA - An 800-yr-old Byzantine example of TESSERAS beautifully arranged despite wear
5. Pete Seeger wrote a book on how to play five-string ones: BANJOS.
6. Brown in the kitchen: ALTON - Not sauté it appears
7. Jell-O serving, say: GLOB - How many GLOBS in a cup?
8. Strong core components: ABS OF STEEL.
9. Fall loosely: DRAPE - An example on our deck
10. 1, at times: Abbr.: JANuary
11. Food and Nutrition Service org.: USDA - USDA inspectors who wear this badge have coveted jobs in this meatpacking town
12. Minnesota Wild, for one: NHL TEAM.
13. Mullahs or ministers: CLERICS.
14. Very tough boss: TYRANT - Who was worse than Ebenezer Scrooge?

24. Dancer's boss, informally: ST NICK - Rudolph's too
26. Cry: WEEP
29. Irrelevancies: MOOT POINTS - Your plane has already left, so why you missed the plane is a MOOT POINT.
31. Katmandu native: NEPALI.
33. "The Chi" airer, briefly: SHO - (the shy) chronicles life on the south side of Chicago
34. Blue: SAD.
36. Beseeched: PLED - A fun song from Jesus Christ Superstar
37. 20th Greek letter: UPSILON - Can you name the two other 7-letter Greek letters?
38. Sign with a crossed-out horseshoe-shaped arrow: NO U TURN
40. Take a licking: LOSE BIG.
41. "__ Like You": Adele hit: SOMEONE - Video in black and white
42. __ Spíritus: Cuban city meaning "Holy Spirit": SANCTI - This city of 465,00 is at least a four-hour drive from Havana
44. Polecat relative commonly kept as a pet: FERRET - I only had to let one kid bring his to class before I realize they have an unpleasant odor too.
45. Team listing: ROSTER - 1961 Yankee ROSTER.
48. Using WhatsApp, say: IMING - My Apple IMING (Instant Messaging) works fine
49. Fire engine feature: SIREN - My hometown used a SIREN to summon volunteer firemen and also tell us when it was 7, 12 and 6 o'clock
51. Highway behemoth: SEMI.
53. Both ways at the start?: AMBI - Zach Galifianakas as an AMBIdextrous flute player on SNL
56. Man cave, for some: DEN.
58. World Cup "Way to go!": OLE.
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