Montessori Activities to Try at 6 -12 Months

Toys at 6 months How we Montessori

Are you looking for Montessori-style activities for your six to twelve-month-old? One of the fundamentals of Montessori for this age is freedom of movement. So what you don't see here is just as important as what do you do see.

To support freedom of movement we don't use baby walkers, baby jumpers, or baby swings. We don't prop the child up in a seated position. We allow the child to play on their movement area (playmat) with just a few toys and allow for natural development as much as possible. With these activities I've included the age of the child in the photograph for context. I hope you find these ideas useful!

Above the child is on a soft rug with a few grasping toys within reach including a ball, interlocking discs, grasping beads, bell grasper. (6 months)

Nature exploring at How we Montessori six months

Explore nature and play outdoors as much as possible. (6 months)

Nature exploring at How we Montessori six months

Begin to drink water from a weaning glass. The child's grip is really tight here and he will spill as he tips it up. Offer just a little water and you can support them a little to tip the water up. (6 months)

Nature exploring at How we Montessori six months

Read lots of books and allow the child to explore board books. This is the Touch and Feel Baby Animals Board book. (6 months)

Low shelves at How we Montessori six months toys

Set up some low shelves to store the child's toys and materials. Here we also have some low nature artwork, the child will be able to get to standing using the shelves and to see the artwork. (6 months)

Ball basket at 7 months at How we Montessori

Explore a ball basket. Natural Rubber Ball (yellow), Skwish, Natural Rubber Sensory Ball Rainbow, Flax Woven Ball. (7 months)

Ball basket at 7 months at How we Montessori

Look at their reflection in a small handheld mirror. (7 months)

Ball basket at 7 months at How we Montessori

Use finger paint on a tray. (7 months)

Playing drum at 7 months at How we Montessori

Sit up independently and use a drum. (7 months)

Playing drum at 7 months at How we Montessori

Crawl through a play tunnel or under a Pikler arch. (7 months)

Sitting in the weaning chair at How we Montessori

Sit confidently at a weaning table. We still use a high chair at the dining table for main meals. Our children use the weaning table for snacks, morning tea, and later for doing a few activities. (8 months)

Low mirror low hooks  looking at reflection in mirror at How we Montessori nine months

Look in their reflection using a low mirror. (9 months)

Low mirror low hooks  looking at reflection in mirror at How we Montessori nine months

Use stacking rings on a dowel. (9 months)

Low mirror low hooks  looking at reflection in mirror at How we Montessori nine months

Use a simple circle puzzle (similar). (9 months)

Low mirror low hooks  looking at reflection in mirror at How we Montessori nine months

Use a ball drop object permanence box (similar). (9 months) 

Small foods pincer grasp at How we Montessori nine months

Use the pincer grasp to pick up small pieces of fruit and wheat puffs. (9 months) 

Loose parts baskets at 10 months at How we Montessori

Once the child is sitting comfortably and independently they can start exploring discovery baskets and loose parts with both hands. Some of the baskets we used at ten months include:

  1. Stacking Cups
  2. Wooden Cars - including the Natural Wooden Car and Hape Red Bus
  3. Rings - wooden rings, egg rings, metal ring and baby link rings.
  4. Sensory Blocks
  5. Metal Cups - ours are 2.5 oz condiment cups.
  6. Metal Measuring Cups and Measuring Spoons
  7. Stacking/Coloured Boxes
  8. Playsilks - we have the mini and full size. 
  9. Wooden Brushes
  10. Wooden Stacking Pebbles
  11. Rainbow Geo Blocks
  12. Wooden Blocks
  13. Balls
  14. Nature Items
  15. Musical Instruments

10 months exploring nature basket at how we Montessori

Explore a nature basket. Check the baskets regularly for broken parts and small pieces. Use these under supervision. (10 months)

Drinking from a mug  10 months at How we Montessori

Drink from a mug and other real cups, use a Montessori-style placemat. (10 months)

Montessori infant shleves at 10 months at How we Montessori sprout shelf

Low shelves with materials. (10 months)

Montessori infant shleves at 10 months at How we Montessori sprout shelf

In the child's bedroom, we can use low furniture and low hanging artwork. A soft rug adds warmth and comfort. 

Otto 10 months at How we Montessori

We use a floor bed that allows the young child to independently get in and out of bed. (10 months)

Shelf activities at How we Montessori 11 months

An example of simple shelves and toys in a shared living space. (10 months)

Shelf activities at How we Montessori 11 months

We use simple board books, stacking and sorting toys, shape puzzles, an object permanence box, and a coin box. 

Shelf activities at How we Montessori 11 months

A ball tracker (similar) is a larger toy but is interesting to the young child. (10 months)

Shelf activities at How we Montessori 11 months

Involve the child as much as possible in everyday family life. (10 months)

Shelf activities at How we Montessori 11 months

Use a Walker Wagon. (11 months)

Shelf activities at How we Montessori 11 months

Finger painting and mark making. (11 months)

Shelf activities at How we Montessori 11 months

Use a Coin Box (similar). (11 months)

Shelf activities at How we Montessori 11 months

If your child is 12 months old please also have a look at the previous article Montessori Activities to Try 12-18 months.

If you are new to Montessori I recommend reading:

If you are looking for more ideas I recommend the Lovevery Play Kits, they are very much in line with the activities we use at the same ages:

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