During the Full Moon in Virgo, Your Sign Might Benefit From Some Extra Boundaries—Here’s Exactly What To Expect

The full moon in Virgo on March 18 perfects at 3:18 a.m., EST, while the sun is in Pisces—and this lunation is likely to demand our utmost attention. That’s largely because of the drastic-feeling differences between Virgo (practical and analytical) and Pisces (imaginative and dream-driven). Both zodiac signs can be intuitive and compassionate, though, and that brings them together. They feel best when helping others, which can also connect to them benefiting from setting stronger boundaries—a theme that all signs will feel strongly during this full moon in Virgo.

During the full moon in Virgo, the sun and moon are both forming a supportive connection in their angle toward Pluto—the planet of death, destruction, and rebirth—which invites us to integrate some of Pluto’s alchemy into our full-moon story. Consider it an invitation to reclaim your power and make little shifts your life that need not require drastic change to be meaningful.

Benefitting from setting stronger boundaries is a theme that all signs will feel strongly during this full moon in Virgo.

Virgo—associated with work, wellness, and routine—reminds that the most profound shifts can take place when we commit to small changes in our day-to-day routine. Pluto’s influence may reinforce the power of committing to a healthier lifestyle with daily practices that support your mental, physical, and spiritual wellness. To action this, considering adopting a journaling or stretching routine, creating boundaries with social media, or committing to a daily walk around.

Curious how the how the full moon in Virgo may impact you, specifically? Read on, and also get a bespoke self-care tip to help you make the most of the energy. And for a holistic view of what may be in store, also read for your rising, sun, and moon signs. (Don’t know yours? Input your birthdate, time, and location into an online generator like this one.)


Have you reached your limit with a work project, Aries? Perhaps you gave an out-of-this-world presentation in front of your team, or maybe you’re ready to make a career change. This is an important time to reflect on your work-life balance and the impact it has on your health. If you’re juggling too much, consider where you can set more boundaries within your work schedule.

Self-Care Practice: Make one small change to your morning routine, like starting your day with a glass of water rather than doomscrolling. Adding more mindfulness will bring about welcomed, sweeping changes.


Romance and creativity are on your mind, Taurus. You may have wrapped up a passion project or have reached a turning point with someone you’re dating, and this full moon in Virgo invites you to reflect on how a simple shift of mindset can impact and create better boundaries within your dating life. This is also a reminder to call in more play to your life, which can bring you more power and agency.

Your full-moon self-care practice: Think about one activity you did in elementary school: When was the last time you did that? Carve out time in your schedule to do it, because inviting in more joy and play in your life will shift stagnant energy at this time.


Go easy on yourself—your sensitivities are heightened, Gemini. A situation related to family, ancestry, or your living situation may be reaching a climax. You benefit from engaging with your fears and allowing yourself to surrender. Incorporating more intimacy in your life and receiving support from your loved ones is critical at this time. This is a wonderful time for deeper reflection of familial patterns and learning from them. How can you take pain and alchemize it? Start digging, Gemini—you’ll reach gold the more you commit to this inner work.

Your full-moon self-care practice: Go through your closet and start purging the junk drawer in your kitchen. Mundane tasks can bring about magical results. The more you go through and remove what’s no longer serving you physically in your home, you are signaling the Universe that you’re opening up space for more alignment.


Open yourself up to new perspectives. This full moon may bring a culmination to matters with siblings, communication, or reveal a big piece of information. You’ll benefit by integrating a new way of responding to this information. Release a reactive mindset and do your best to sit with the information and allow its depth to permeate your psyche before reacting. You may literally need to communicate stronger boundaries with someone in your life, and while boundaries aren’t fun for anyone, they will accelerate your growth.

Your full-moon self-care practice: Journaling, reading and writing can lead to profound shifts at this time. Your mind is on overdrive and you’re eager for new perspectives and shifts. Invest in your mental health and wellness right now.


Changes are coming on the work front. You may be up for a raise, promotion or decide to leave your company. You’re recognizing your own power and how much your day-to-day routine matters. A job opportunity might also present itself. Financial shifts can serve as portals for internal shifts. This is a powerful time to reflect on your self-worth and the way you treat yourself. You may also start to question whether you are living in alignment with your values. Where are you holding yourself back?

Your full-moon self-care practice: Your physical senses are heightened. Treat yourself to a massage or luxurious dinner. You work hard so you can enjoy the benefits life has to offer. Don’t forget to treat yourself every now and again.


It’s time to focus on you. You carry the weight of the world on your back, but it’s time to shift gears. This is a period of release. It’s time to say goodbye to an old way of operating or pieces of yourself that no longer serve you. Inviting in more time for play and committing to your passion projects will bring about joy. You deserve to set boundaries around your time so you can prioritize activities that fill you up rather than leave you feeling depleted. It’s time to step into a new version of yourself, one that is more aligned.

Your full-moon self-care practice: It’s time to do an inner child meditation. Check in with them. Would they be proud of you? Send little you the love and care you didn’t receive and remind them of their worth. This is a powerful time to shift old belief systems and call in a more aligned version of yourself.


You may be feeling emotionally exhausted and like you’ve reached your limit. Solitude and rest are necessary right now. You are integrating deep parts of your psyche and generational lessons. Growth can be painful and healing isn’t linear. This is a reminder to set boundaries within your daily life. If you’re running on fumes, who can you blame other than yourself? Carve out time to focus on your healing. Engaging in spiritual practices at this time can expedite a shift in your well-being.

Your full-moon self-care practice: Meditation work is key during this time. Go inward and reflect on the discomfort. Exercising your mind and your spiritual gifts at this time will bring groundbreaking shifts.


This full moon reminds you of the power of connection. Every time you meet a new person, it could be an opportunity for networking. Perhaps someone you encountered may be a missing puzzle piece that brings you one step closer to actualizing your hopes and dreams. This is also a cosmically aligned time to reflect on the boundaries within your friendships. Where have you been giving your power away? The deeper you consider the balance within your friendships or communities you are part of, the more you will be rewarded.

Your full-moon self-care practice: Lean on your community. Are there organizations or groups that make you feel seen, loved and appreciated? It’s time to invest yourself deeper within a cause that matters to you or spend time with friends to cultivate more joy.


You’re front and center, and it’s hard to dodge the attention you’re receiving right now. In your career, you may be up for a promotion, receiving recognition from a boss, or decide to switch gears. You’re drawing power from your self-worth. Is your current career aligned with your value system? Does it light you up? Does it reflect the legacy you want to leave behind in this world? You’re not just here to collect a paycheck, and this lunation has you finding deeper alignment with your purpose.

Your full-moon self-care practice: Don’t be afraid to take up space. Celebrate your wins and your accomplishments at this time. Post to social media. Tell all your family and friends. You are worthy of praise and recognition.


It’s time to take a risk! You’re connecting deeper with your intuition and inner knowing. This lunation brings a mindset shift and a cosmic wake-up call. If you’re in school, this could also signal a major test or ending of a course. Your relationship with your spirituality is also under the microscope. You may be finding deeper meaning in your daily life and recognizing the power of routine. This is a major test to listen to your intuition and connect with yourself through spiritual practices. You have the answers you need.

Your full-moon self-care practice: Reading and writing serve a higher purpose at this time. Getting lost in a book and soaking up new words and ideas can light a fire within. Following any creative urges to write will also serve you well.


It may feel like someone is shining a spotlight on your greatest fears. Under this lunation you are tasked with facing some of your emotional roadblocks and owning them. Sit with these patterns and surrender to the emotions that bubble to the surface. The more you engage with them, the more you actually transmute that pain into power. You can regain the agency you desire. It starts with a brave commitment to confronting your self-defeating behaviors. Be the change you want to see. Call it in and embody it. You’re overdue for a cosmic upleveling.

Your full-moon self-care practice: Allow yourself to receive support from others. If emotions feel heightened at this time, call a trusted friend or loved one. You should not feel guilty for leaning on others emotionally. You deserve to be supported and connection with others will benefit you at this time.


Boundaries can feel foreign to you when all you crave is to merge with another human on a deep soul-level. This lunation reminds you that you can still cultivate the intense intimacy you desire while also protecting your energetic signature. It’s time to fill your cup first. Relationship matters and business contracts can reach a turning point at this time. You’re reflecting deeper on all of your 1:1 relationships and the role partnership plays in your life. Who is part of your inner circle? Who leaves you energetically drained and which people in your life send an energetic boost after spending time with them? Be mindful of who you spend your time with. You are magic incarnate and deserve to protect yourself.

Your full-moon self-care practice: Spend quality time with your partner or close friends and dive deep into the tougher topics. Doing an activity together like The New York Times’36 Questions on the Way to Love” can bring you closer together.

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